Year: 2019-
Status: Ongoing
Partners: Max Planck Institute CMAP Torolab

Using film, photography, sound and graphics and animation, the project engages communities, thinker/doers, academics, activists, entrepreneurs, policymakers and built environment experts from as far afield as India, Mexico, South Africa, Nigeria and Colombia. The project will manifest as a highly interactive multimedia exhibition accompanied by a program of live events; a podcast series and a special issue of Cityscapes magazine in late 2021. Moonshots will inform CS.Praxis, a platform for connecting policymakers, activists, practitioners and academics working on urban issues across the global South

Moonshots is a collaboration with Max Planck Institute and African Centre for Cities. A key part of the project is exploring the full potential of the Datarama, a platform developed by Max Planck Institute as a tool for digital story-telling, research and teaching.

More details to follow.
